From Cozy Nights to Peace of Mind: Enhance Your Home

Security in the home is a must for everyone to feel at ease. Too many homes rely on a locked door and a porch light to deter an intruder and unfortunately, the career criminals aren’t deterred by that anymore. This is where a connected home helps solve problems.

Security Beyond Boundaries

In a typical security system, your first line of defense is knowing something is off before the criminal even gets within spitting distance of your home. Exterior security cameras and motion sensing flood lights is always our recommendation to help deter any would-be criminals. Unfortunately, people assume a camera system would be way to expensive to be installed in their home but in todays age, they are wrong! Our most popular sized system is the Lorex 4 camera system. With installation and cameras you’re typically under $1k unless there are unforeseen circumstances.

A small investment to ensure the safety of your family and home in Weatherford, Texas.


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